Wednesday 11 November 2015

Planning: Shot List

  • Mid shot -  Jasmine in canterbury in front of a wall
  • Long shot - Herne Bay pier
  • Long shot - Dreamland
  • Long shot - Canterbury Town
  • Long shot - Woods
  • Mid-close up - Jasmine 
  • Long shot - Outside the Marlowe 
  • Long shot - Outside the Marlowe from a different angle
  • Close up - Leaflets for current performances
  •  Large image of a sofa
  • 4 Smaller images of furniture

Monday 2 November 2015

Initial Photographs: Front Cover

These are some of the photographs I took in my photography sessions for the front cover. I took numerous photos that were possibilities to be used on my front cover, however, some of them were unsuitable due to - the model being out of the center, the lighting being off, people in the background, the camera being too close etc. These are some examples of the images I took.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Planning: Feature Page Mock ups

Planning: Advert Mock ups

Planning: Contents Page Mock ups

Planning: Front Cover Mock ups

Planning: Website Mock Up

Planning: Billboard mock ups

Focus group opinions - advert

I was unsure what to advertise in my magazine, so I asked my focus group what I should do out of the following options:
- Furniture (10)
- Jewellery (7)
- Gym membership (3)

My focus group came to the conclusion that furniture would be the best option because it is the most practical out of the choices.
In order to take the photos, I had to ask permission from the person in the furniture store.

Focus group: opinions

I asked my focus group which name they preferred out of the following:
  • Kent Life (3/20)
  • Lifestyle Kent (6/20)
  • About Kent (9/20)
  • Inside Kent (2/20)
Because of these results I am calling my magazine 'Inside London'.

I also asked them what the house colours should be, and a majority of the group agreed that the colours should be bright, bold and eye-catching because that is what he target audience will find attractive. A lot of them also suggested the text on the cover should be white, as it will stand out and look effective with a bright background. 

Planning: Logistical Information

  • My magazine will be called 'ABOUT Kent'
  • Based on Kent
  • My target audience is both male and female, although a larger percentage female than male. 
  • Between the ages of 15 - 25
  • As the majority of my target audience will be students, my magazine will be cheaper - £1.99
  • They will be interested in fashion, food, art, and local news about the area
  • It will be bright and eye-catching, like absolute Brighton as my focus group said it looks effective
  • I will use informal language, as my target audience are young so I will use language to reflect how they would stereotypicaly speak. 

Research: Existing regional magazines

I will be taking inspiration from ABSOLUTE BRIGHTON and BRISTOL MAGAZINE for my production. ABSOLUTE is aimed at a similar target audience to my magazine, and I like the layout of BRISTOL.

Monday 5 October 2015

Research: Focus Group Opinions on Location

For my original plan my magazine was going to be based on London, as my focus group all agreed it would be interesting for the target audience and there is a lot going on there so there is a large variety of things to write about. However after giving consideration to the cost, time and travel etc I came to the conclusion it would be difficult to produce a professional looking magazine that fulfills the brief in London.
My focus group helped me come up with the more practical option of East Kent, with 17/20 of them thinking this would be a good choice. This is a very practical loaction fro me because minimal travelling is required and I can re-take the photos as many times as neccissary to get the best quility.

Monday 28 September 2015

Research: Tutorials

In order to achieve a professional looking final product that fulfills the brief, I will be using programmes  such as Adobe Photoshop CS5, Prezi and Slide Share. I will be using Prezi and Slide Share to upload things that show my progress as they are both good at conveying information. They are both simple and user friendly, also they allow the the user to navigate any piece of information they want to view. For my production of the magazine, I will be using Adobe Photoshop CS5. I have already used this software for my AS coursework  but I watched tutorials on it to refresh my memory as I find it quite challenging.
Slide Share:

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Task Brief

For my main task I am doing the the first four pages from a regional magazine. For the ancillary task I decided to do two hyperlinked pages from the magazine's website, and a billboard advertisement for the magazine.